Some Of Your Blood
Theodore Sturgeon is also somewhat recognizable, at least satirically, and indirectly, in his amusing literary re-incarnation as Vonnegut's Kilgore Trout.
"But I haven't lost the demons' craft and cunning: I've inherited
from them some useful things, but they won't be used for their benefit!"
--Robert de Boron, Merlin
"There being a divine order of learning superior to mundane knowledge, and its being available--the time is most appropriate for the further restoration of this sacred tradition."
Manly P. Hall
"These times are ripe for a more serious knowledge than hitherto permitted, though still very limited, so far."
Madame Blavatsky
"Yet perhaps it is only through the study of works of human imagination that we can make any real contact with the level of vision beyond faith."
Northrop Frye