Incendium Amoris

"But I haven't lost the demons' craft and cunning: I've inherited
from them some useful things, but they won't be used for their benefit!"

--Robert de Boron, Merlin

Location: Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Blah, Blah, Blah

Caught up spending time with my fiancée, working and reading, and every other miniscule going-on left out in between that is part of my new daily working routine has left me with little time to sit around and write about it. This week I've been especially lazy, sleeping until noon, somewhat tired (with a gyre of the usual accompanying grogginess, insolence, lethargy, indifference, and shrugging weltering behind this, too) adjusting in mind and body to a post-university routine, before I have to work in the evening from 3 in the afternoon to midnight.

And unfortunately, after sitting here staring blankly at the screen, I just want to go to sleep. That's my short, but as usual, inadequate summary with plenty of the usual gaps and lacunae.


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