Incendium Amoris

"But I haven't lost the demons' craft and cunning: I've inherited
from them some useful things, but they won't be used for their benefit!"

--Robert de Boron, Merlin

Location: Ontario, Canada

Sunday, May 15, 2005

What Ever Happened To Manners?

Another tiring day of work. More like a tight rope walk. While trying to rectify an error with a cart of magazines, throng after throng of people were harrowing my magazine section. People had nothing better to do on a Sunday night than come take magazines from the shelves, read them for FREE at the store, and leave piles for me (approximately twelve feet stacked in a matter of 4 hours) to clean up. I wish I could be so ignorant and carefree as these people. No, I wish I could hire that Super Nanny lady from TV to come for a week to work and give these people a piece of her mind about decorum. People are slobs. And I have to put up with their shit for $8.75 (it's only high because I've worked at Chapters for nearly 3 years!) night after night. The sad part is most of these people are adults, grown adults responsible for children.

What ever happened to manners?

The saddest part is I have to let this happen, otherwise I will not have a job. Sometimes I think it's only the perk of getting 30% off books that keeps me working there, and the benefits plan, which I rarely use because I don't earn much money.


Blogger Vixen said...

Those are the same people who bicker about not finding napkins or ice. They are also the same people who don't realize that they are not in their own personal space. Don't you wonder how they ever got along in Kindergarten??

8:37 PM  

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