Incendium Amoris

"But I haven't lost the demons' craft and cunning: I've inherited
from them some useful things, but they won't be used for their benefit!"

--Robert de Boron, Merlin

Location: Ontario, Canada

Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Two Aspects of Self

Another tidbit of wisdom from Bergson's Time and Free Will:

Not all our ideas, however, are thus incorporated in the fluid mass of our conscious states. Many float on the surface, like dead leaves on the water of a pond: the mind, when it thinks them over and over again, finds them ever the same, as if they were external to it. Among these are the ideas which we receive ready made, and which remain in us without ever being properly assimilated, or again the ideas which we have omitted to cherish and which have withered in neglect.


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