Incendium Amoris

"But I haven't lost the demons' craft and cunning: I've inherited
from them some useful things, but they won't be used for their benefit!"

--Robert de Boron, Merlin

Location: Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Calor, Canor, and Dulcor of Divine Love

The Form of Living

"The sevene gyftes of the Haly Gaste that ere gyfene to
men and wymmene that er ordaynede to the joye of
hevene and ledys theire lyfe in this worlde reghtwysely,
thire are thay: Wysdome, Undystrandynge, Counsayle,
Strenghe, Connynge, Peté, the Drede of God."

--Richard Rolle, written for the anchoress Margaret Kirkby


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