It's All Greek To Me
A long night ahead, it looks to be, to finish my readings in advance for upcoming classes. I can't settle which to read first, Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus or Aristotle's Poetics, both readings due Thursday. More than likely it'll be Shakespeare as I just finished reading a Greek drama, Aeschylus's Eumenides, out of mere curiosity, though it is also a future reading for one of my courses. My brain is getting sundered, too, over what Shakespearean play on which I will present for my Advanced Shakespeare course. I am tempted to wait for Professor Cohen's instructions on presentations, but idle I should not be, or I'll lose my choice. My first inclination, perhaps a self-issued challenge, is to present on Troilus and Cressida - a play I read only this erstwhile summer. I just hope that we won't be studying this play at the same time, mid January, as I present on Tennessee Williams's Orpheus Descending in another course.
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